4-H Dog Skill-a-thon 2024
Medina County
For the 2024 Skill-a-thon, there will be four stations to complete. There will be written questions to answer this year for a tie-breaker, that will be based on your age group stations.
If your child needs questions read or a scribe, please let us know at the Skill-a-thon.
We hope to see everyone there!
Here is new information for the 2024 4-H dog Skill-a-thon.
Age groups are ( based on 4-H age):
Junior 8-11
Intermediate 12-14
Senior 15-18
Most of the information can be found in the Dog Resource Handbook copyright 2016. Updates for the handbook can be found at the Ohio 4-H Youth Development website. When you get to the page scroll all the way down to the bottom and pick which resource handbook you have for the updated version.
Pages and chapters that kids will need to reference are listed with the Skill-a-thon station information. If the information is not found in the book for a station, a diagram with the correct answers has been provided.
The stations with breed identification are not found in the handbook. You will need to go to the American Kennel Club's website. This will help you to identify what the breed looks like that you will be asked to name. All breed pictures are taken from the AKC website.
Please remember, the Skill-a-thon is a FUN way to test your knowledge and to learn.